Ceiling Mounted & Free Standing Monorail Systems
Since 1946, CraneVeyor has been manufacturing traditional “I” beam monorails. In 1998 we developed the TranStation Enclosed Track work area systems. TranStations are economical and efficient systems for manually moving loads up to 4000#. Approximately 1 pound of force is required to move 100 pounds so that pushing with only 10# of force can move a 1000# load. TranStation Ceiling Mounted monorails provide ease of operation, ruggedness and value.
TRANSTATION: Ceiling Mounted & Free Standing Monorail Systems
Ceiling mounted cranes are pre-engineered systems, simple to layout and easy to install. The standard hangers are clamp type with hanger rods, but there are a variety of hanger methods available to fit your requirements. Free Standing TranStation monorails are independent of overhead support structure.

A Ceiling Mounted TranStation is the cost effective and efficient solution when a qualified engineer determines that the overhead structure will adequately support the monorail loads, and the structure is properly positioned so that the monorail serves your handling area. All supports are overhead so that there are no floor support columns required.
The standard ceiling suspension system uses adjustable hanger brackets that attach to level steel beams with flange width to 8” and thickness to 7/16″. Threaded hanger rods (to 72″ long) are provided to level the monorail, and sway bracing is used to stabilize the system. This standard system is shown in the technical and dimension pages. Many optional suspension methods are available for a TranStation Ceiling Mounted monorail. If the standard system is not appropriate or cost effective for your structure we can provide one of our pre-engineered options or design the best system for your requirement. An optional suspension system is usually less expensive than redesigning your structure. Your ceiling support structure information should be provided with your inquiry for an optional hanger system.
A few of the hanger systems available are shown below:
1. Standard Hanger System
2. Hangers from Wood Beams
3. Direct Bolt Mount to Beam Bracket
4. Direct Bolt Mount to Concrete Wall
Systems are pre-engineered, easy to order, simple to layout and easy to install. There are hundreds of models for 250# thru 4000# capacity; 32′ bridge span; 34′ bridge length; up to 30′ runway spans and unlimited runway lengths. Plain enclosed track is provided to 6′ runway spans, and trussed track is provided for 20′, 25′, and 30′ maximum support (SD) centers. Select the model closest to your application and we will adjust the details to your requirements. A dimension drawing will be provided for your review and approval prior to manufacture.
TranStation Ceiling Mounted systems include:
- Enclosed Track Bridge, with end trucks, stops and trolley for a hook-on hoist/device.
- Enclosed track runways, complete with beam type upper hanger assemblies, splice assemblies and mounting hardware.
- Festooned electrical system for bridge and runway, complete with trolleys, 4-conductor #14 flat cable, clamps and stack-up system.
- A layout drawing, assembly instructions, and manuals are provided with each system.
Plain Track Configuration to 6' Runway Support Centers
Plain Track Configuration to 6' Runway Support Centers
Truss Track Configuration-20', 25' and 30' Runway Support Centers
A Free Sstanding TranStation enclosed track monorail system may be your best solution where overhead structure is not available or adequate to support the loads. The TranStation free standing is an efficient system for manually handling loads up to 4,000#.
- Free Standing TranStation Work Area Monorail Systems:
- Steel: Maximum hanger centers Trussed Track (SD) = 20′-0, 25′-0, or 30′-0
Support Distance (SD) is maximum. On multiple bay systems, bay spacing will be divided equally unless otherwise specified.
Systems include:
- Hoist Trolley
- Monorail
- Splice Assemblies
- Stiffeners(as req’d)
- Festoon Trolleys
- 4-Cond #14 Flat Cable or 1/2″ Air Hose
- Festoon Clamps
- Festoon Stack-up Sections
- End Stops
- Stiffeners are required on some models of Free Standing Monorail systems for longitudinal stability.
- Systems meet Seismic Zone 4 requirements.
- Part Number Explanation: